Facilities Use | Warren County Community College
Canvas — WCCC’s New Learning Management System

Facilities Use


Use of college facilities by non-college groups may be approved subject to the guidelines established by this policy and other appropriate college regulations.

The use of facilities must be for purposes that do not conflict with the aims and purposes of college policies or local, state and federal laws.  Approval to use facilities does not necessarily imply approval of the aims and purposes of the sponsoring organization or for the event being planned.  Also, because Warren County Community College is a non-partisan, public institution, it reserves the right to restrict or deny the use of college and campus facilities in accordance with statutory requirements.

This policy does not apply to registered student organizations at any location of the College as long as their use is compatible with the goals and intent of the student organization.

In order to meet the intent of P.L. 2009, Chapter 148 of controlling student indebtedness, no credit card issuers may use college facilities to solicit or advertise for credit cards.

College use of all facilities shall have preemptive priority over all non-college groups.  The College reserves the right to cancel, postpone, or alter arrangements for any event if necessary.  In all instances, the College decisions will be made to ensure minimum disruption of its normal activities and to ensure its optimum use as a resource for the community.

Any use of the name of the College, other than to indicate the location of the event, must be approved in advance by the College through the Office of Campus Operations. Request forms are available at the Office of Campus Operations.

Except as permitted, no materials or information can be distributed or announced on campus, be placed on, or attached to, or written on any structure or anywhere on the grounds of the campus.

Information must be provided in advance to the College concerning any financial activities or transactions planned by the non-college group during its use of the facility.

The group will be charged a rental fee based on rates approved by the Board of Trustees. An additional surcharge will be assessed to groups using college facilities to cover the cost of any required additional staffing, maintenance and security.  Fees may be waived only upon the written authorization of the President of the college.

The College requires insurance coverage and proof of the same by providing a certificate of insurance naming Warren County Community College as an additional insured indicating at least $1,000,000 bodily injury coverage and $1 million property liability coverage. The policy will include a 20-day notice of cancellation.  An Indemnification Agreement, available at the Office of Campus Operations, must be executed and on file with the College.

 Revised: 11/06/19

Click here for the approved Facilities Use Rates.


Warren County Community College
475 Route 57 West
Washington NJ 07882
(908) 835-WCCC (9222)