Campus Safety and Security | Warren County Community College
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Campus Safety and Security

Warren County Community College has an “open campus concept” serving students and the general public. The college operating hours vary.  During the summer WCCC is open Monday-Thursday from 8:00 am to 7 pm.  Academic year operations are 9-5 Monday-Friday and when evening classes occur.  Please call at 908 835-2300 if you would like information about hours.

The Warren County Community College Security Department is staffed by non-sworn unarmed security officers who are available at all times when the college is open. A security desk is located in the main lobby just inside the front doors of both the Main and Phillipsburg buildings. Security at the main campus can also be reached by phone at 908-835-2455, and Security at the Phillipsburg campus can be reached by phone at 908-878-0202.  An Emergency Phone is located on the second floor of the East end stairwell with direct connection to police, fire and rescue. In addition, there are five strategically located Emergency Phone tower locations positioned in the parking lots with direct access to campus security. All students, faculty, staff and visitors are encouraged to promptly report criminal incidents, accidents and other emergencies to Security.

Telephones are located in every classroom with phone number listings nearby. All phones can also be used to dial 911 for all emergencies. All Security Officers are certified in accordance with the New Jersey Security Officers Registration Act which requires training in first aid, CPR and use of Automatic Defibrillation Devices as well as other safety and security issues.

The Security Department has authority to enforce college policies. The Security Officers have the authority to ask persons for identification and to determine whether individuals have lawful business on the campus. These security officers have the authority to prepare incident and other type of reports, but do not have the power to arrest. The investigation of criminal activities is referred to either the Washington Township or Phillipsburg Township Police Departments. The Warren County Community College Security Department has a close working relationship with both the Washington Township and Phillipsburg Township Police Departments who are the primary law enforcement authority for the college with the power to arrest on campus. These Police Departments also perform routine security checks and “walk throughs” at the college to familiarize themselves with the college facilities, community and to observe and deter suspicious and criminal activity.

Daily officer reports are submitted to the Coordinator of Campus Safety recording all activity that occurs on each shift including: all transport services provided, times that building checks are performed and, any outdoor lights which are not functioning. Warren County Community College has a record of being a relatively crime free campus.

Warren County Community College has a record of being a relatively crime free campus. As you review the information and statistics on campus crime, you will see that major crimes or arrests rarely occur on campus.

Annual Security Report and Campus Crime Statistics

Please click here and you will be taken to the Disclosure Information for students.  Campus security information is in a separate category. All relevant policies and information are retained on this page for the convenience of students.

Additional Security Information and Tips

Bias Crime
“Practical Response to Active Shooter” on a College Campus
Cyber Crimes & ID Theft Guide
Personal Safety Tips
Sexual Offender Registry




Warren County Community College
475 Route 57 West
Washington NJ 07882
(908) 835-WCCC (9222)