VIPER | Warren County Community College
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VIPER is an exclusive program offering designed to put veterans nationwide on the fast track toward degree completion.

Facts about the VIPER Program

Designed to assist Post 9/11 Veterans and veterans nationwide, Warren’s VIPER program will accept up to 34 credits to qualifying veterans for military training plus an additional 11 credits for courses directly correlated to our VIPER program of study.

Through Warren’s VIPER program, a qualifying veteran may earn an Associate Degree in as little as one semester depending upon their MOS, other military background, and or other college experiences.

Through this exclusive agreement with nationally renowned Thomas Edison State University (TESU), most military training can be evaluated and qualifying veterans can be put on the fast educational track toward completion of a Baccalaureate Degree.

No other community college in the nation has such an agreement with Thomas Edison State University making the VIPER program at WCCC educationally unique. Also, Warren’s VIPER program will honor the in-county tuition rate for veterans and even those serving active and reserve duty, regardless of where they reside.

Programs of Study

In the WCCC Associate Degree in Applied Science, veterans may, if needed, choose a concentration of study in:

  • Business
  • Computer Science
  • Criminal Justice
  • Fire Science
  • Food and Beverage Management

Distance Ed (web-based) instruction is available for many courses. 

Getting Started

With the inception of the VIPER program, WCCC and Thomas Edison State University entered into an agreement designed especially for qualifying veterans who have graduated from an approved military training program.  Members of the Military Service will need to document the military courses completed by obtaining their military transcripts through the following:

Warren County Community College limits academic residency to no more than twenty-five percent of the degree requirements for all degrees for active-duty service members. Academic residency can be completed at any time while active-duty service members are enrolled.  Reservists and National Guardsmen on active-duty are covered in the same manner.

Interested veterans must meet with the Coordinator for Veteran Advancement to verify appropriate previous training before entering the program.

For additional information, email the VIPER Coordinator directly at the following link: [email protected]


Warren County Community College
475 Route 57 West
Washington NJ 07882
(908) 835-WCCC (9222)