Withdrawal | Warren County Community College
Canvas — WCCC’s New Learning Management System


If a student needs to withdraw from a course, an official Withdrawal Form must be completed in the Office of Student Services. Failure to attend class does not constitute an official withdrawal. Courses officially dropped before the end of the eighth week of classes will be recorded as a “W.”

Withdrawal from a class after eight weeks will result either in a grade of “WP” (Withdrawn Passing) or “WF” (Withdrawn failing), depending on the student’s progress in the course until the time of withdrawal. The “WP” grade does not affect the student’s Grade Point Average but will appear on official transcripts. A grade of “WF” will affect the student’s Grade Point Average in the same manner as a grade of “F.” No refund is issued for withdrawals.


Warren County Community College
475 Route 57 West
Washington NJ 07882
(908) 835-WCCC (9222)