Student Insurance | Warren County Community College
Canvas — WCCC’s New Learning Management System

Student Insurance


Changes in insurance requirements as a result of the Affordable Health Care Act have meant that student health insurance policies similar to what WCCC has previously offered to students are no longer available. All health policies must meet new federal thresholds with significantly higher costs. As a result of this change, the State of NJ no longer mandates student health insurance for full-time students.

Students may optionally seek to be covered by various state or private programs. If you are interested in health insurance, we suggest that you consult the state’s website that provides health insurance options.

Also note that there will be major changes in health insurance forthcoming this fall as new federal mandates are phased in. Please check back frequently to the State of New Jersey website for various insurance options.


Warren County Community College
475 Route 57 West
Washington NJ 07882
(908) 835-WCCC (9222)