Program Information | Warren County Community College
Canvas — WCCC’s New Learning Management System

Program Information



EOF Participating Institutions

Vision, Mission, Goals

EOF History


What is EOF?

The New Jersey Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF) provides support services (i.e. counseling, tutoring, and developmental coursework) and financial assistance to students from educationally and economically disadvantaged backgrounds who attend participating institutions of higher education in the State of New Jersey.

Am I Eligible?

To participate in the EOF program at Warren County Community College, you must meet all of the following requirements:

  • Demonstrate an educationally and economically disadvantaged background
  • Be a New Jersey resident for at least 12 consecutive months prior to fall semester enrollment
  • Graduate from high school or receive the equivalent of a high school diploma by the time you apply and register at WCC
  • Fall within the financial criteria shown on the scale below

EOF Eligibility Scale 2022-2023

Return to EOF page


Warren County Community College
475 Route 57 West
Washington NJ 07882
(908) 835-WCCC (9222)