Drop / Add | Warren County Community College

Drop / Add

CandidsHiRes_0413-14Students may drop classes up until the end of the second week of the term. Students may add classes through the end of the first week of classes.

Once classes begin, all students must complete a Add/Drop Form and submit it to the Office of Student Services in order to add or drop a class. Dropping a class once classes have begun will entitle the student to a partial payment.

Once a course has been dropped, it will no longer appear on a student’s transcript or count toward the total credits for the term. Students who receive financial aid should always consult with a financial aid staff member before dropping or adding classes. For Drop/Add deadlines, see the 2023-2024 Academic Calendar


Warren County Community College
475 Route 57 West
Washington NJ 07882
(908) 835-WCCC (9222)