WCCC offers a variety of distance learning courses for students whose personal and academic schedules make it difficult for them to attend a fixed schedule of on-campus classes. Distance learning courses give students the opportunity to complete course work outside of the classroom on their own time, usually at home. These courses may be taught using the Internet as the principle medium of instruction, as well as e-mail, periodic campus meetings and study groups.
Distance learning courses earn the same college credit as on-campus courses, require the same kinds of work, and provide students with equivalent learning experiences. The student transcript (grade record) will not show any difference between courses offered through distance learning and those taught in a typical classroom setting.
It is important that students meet with their advisors to manage their degree requirements. In addition, there are specific attendance requirements. See the Distance Education Policy for additional information.
Because distance learning allows for a great deal of individual flexibility, it requires a high degree of self-discipline. In general, successful distance learning students will:
• Be mature, confident and a self-starter
• Enjoy working alone and independently
• Have effective learning skills (good study habits)
• Have college-level reading and writing skills
• Be willing to contact instructors promptly when they have questions
Students are encouraged to find out about the course expectations and requirements including computer and other equipment before they register for a distance learning course. Questions about Distance Learning at WCCC should be directed to the Marianne Van Deurson at [email protected] or by calling the Office of Academic Affairs at (908) 835-2310.