Public Disclosure on Federal COVID Funds
In accordance with the federal law, WCCC must publicly disclose basic information on how WCCC has used the federal emergency funds (HEERF). Below is information on how the College has used both student funds and institutional funds.
Public Disclosure on HEERF Student Grants (CARES)
Separate information was previously required for COVID grants thrugh 12/31/2022
Public Disclosure on Institutional HEERF Funds
Note Warren County Community College also receives institutional funds to offset COVID expenses. The quarterly information reports are shown below (Please view these in Chrome for optimal viewing)
Institutional Funds-Spending through 9-30-20
Institutional Funds-Spending 10-1-20 through 12-30-20
Institutional Funds-Spending 1-1-21 through 3-31-21
Institutional Funds-Spending 4-1-21 through 6-20-21
Institutional Funds-Spending 7-1-21 through 9-30-21
Institutional Funds-Spending 10-1-2021-12-31-2021
Institutional Funds-Spending 1-1-2022 through 3-31-2022
Public Disclosure on Combined Student and Institutional Disbursements
02503900_HEERF_Q22023_071023 (This is the final report)
Student Outcomes Reports